Our next PSIG outpost meeting date

2025-3-8 at 1pm on Zoom only, maybe. This is not definite.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


                IN PHILADELPHIA, October 12, 2019

       To the President of the Executive Committee of the National Space Society, we do hereby offer this Petition for his ratification and his recommendation to Mr. Jeff Bezos, that Mr. Bezos may take this one small step toward opening the gateway to space for those who can least afford it, by helping to underwrite and inaugurate this first National Space Lottery.  We therefore declare the following principles to ensure that the future of space is opened to all who dare to dream:                   

WHEREAS:  The budding industry of space tourism has been geared toward the most wealthy; and
WHEREAS:  Most people will never have the chance or the experience to behold firsthand the grandeur of the Earth from orbit or to see with their own eyes the world in its entirety; and
WHEREAS:  The New Frontier was not given to the smallest number but to all mankind; and
WHEREAS:  Every person should be given the opportunity to fulfill their dream, including those wishing to travel into space; and
WHEREAS:  Those who can afford to go into space the least—including artists, writers, and teachers—are needed the most to proclaim and to publicize the promise and the vision of pioneering the Space Frontier; now therefore be it
RESOLVED:  That we, the members of the Philadelphia Chapter of the National Space Society, known locally as the NSS Philadelphia Area Space Alliance, do unanimously call for the National Space Society’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors, in cooperation with corporate sponsors like Amazon.com., to take action to enable a National Space Lottery, from which the winning ticket or tickets will authorize the awarding of a flight into space; and that such ticket or tickets will be entirely transferable, even to one’s favorite school,  if the ticket winner or winners wishes to do so.
WE TAKE THIS ACTION:  To give everyone a chance to fulfill their dream of space flight; to help engage the public about our exciting Space Age; and to declare to the world that we, the people of the United States, do not turn our back on those of limited financial resources; but rather that we give them the chance to truly reach for the stars.
UNTO THIS END:  And with this vote now cast, we hereby pledge our unwavering support for this petition.   And to all who shall win a space flight, and who never thought they would have a chance in their lifetime, LET THEM GO UP.   AD ASTRA.                                                                       .


Saturday, July 20, 2019

Franklin Institute outreach event 7-20-19

Here we are in the Telescope Room (Scope Room for short, next to Space Command) at the Franklin Institute.

Franklin Institute 7-20-19 event

From July 20th, the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing: Our local National Space Society chapter exhibit at the Franklin Institute and an actual moon rock on display across the hall from us at the Franklin Institute.

C/O This article: C/O Mitchell Gordon

Sunday, June 16, 2019


1) David Stuart at the Chapter Assembly

2) Jeffrey Manber, CEO, NanoRacks

3) Al Warden, Apollo 15 Astronaut

4) Gerry Griffen, Mission Control

5) Dr, Scott Pace

6) Scene from 16th Floor

7) Scene from 16th Floor

8) Scene from 16th Floor

9) Scene from 16th Floor

10) Scene from 16th Floor

11) Eleanor Pearson in photo with Al Warden

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Philadelphia Science Carnival May 2019

Over 180 exhibitors at the Phila. Science Festival Carnival on May 4th. Our booth was mentioned on KYW radio today at 2 PM, when the announcer singled out our sign: Are you ready for the Space Age?
                 Shown in the picture is Earl Bennett, our President.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

SETI: The Community College of Philadelphia

Here, Earl Bennett gave a speech on the subject of SETI. It was extremely well done and received.
There were around 50 participants (a pretty full house!), and he was very professional handling the Powerpoint presentation flawlessly.  After the 40 minute presentation, there were 20 minutes of Q&A which he handled with abundant knowledge and tact.